Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Famous People, Infamous Past

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are having a wonderful mid-week :)

Today we'd be talking about people who are famous but had to move mountains to get here! I have chosen only 5 such people, believe me, there are Many! Who would have known that a naughty boy who failed in examinations, would turn out to be The Einstein or deaf and dumb Helen Keller would be a lecturer, author, activist and a politician!

So lets talk about some of the people whom many Love and might treat them as their idol.
(Not in Any order)

1) Louis Armstrong: Jazz Music

He was born to teenage parents when they left him with his grandmother after his birth! After a very troublesome childhood, sentenced once, worked at a coal factory and then came in touch with a cornet player. Armstrong used to run his errands in return for cornet lessons. He was a quick learner and in no time, developed his own style and started playing in parades! He switched to trumpet and that was the turning point in his life! After playing for Five decades without any hit song, Armstrong finally made to the top of charts with "Hello Dolly".

What we learn from him? - Never give up on yourself!

2) Muhammad Ali: Boxer

Once a kid stole Ali's bicycle and he had the urge to beat that kid but a guy asked him to learn boxing before he even tries! He took his training very seriously on the very first day. He was so fast that no one could beat him! He practiced and practiced, gave up on drinking, junk food, alcohol, whatever that could distract him and hamper his career! He fought like no one else, won a gold medal at Olympics in 1960 and the heavyweight boxing champion title.. All this in his late teens!

What we learn from him? - Persistence, hardwork and good intentions pays off!

3) Oprah Winfrey: known for hosting a popular american series- The Oprah Show

At 3, Oprah narrated Bible at church and skipped grades as she was too intelligent for her class. She was sexually abused twice, by her distant family members, got pregnant at 14, delivered the child at 7months who died within 2 weeks. But all these tragic incidents didn't shake her confidence when later, at 16, she received a 4 year scholarship for a public speaking competition. Now, the world knows her!

What we learn from her? - Don't undermine yourself. Be yourself!

4) Dhirubhai Ambani: Business tycoon who found Reliance Industries

He failed in examinations, earned his first pocket money by selling snacks, worked at a petrol pump and then stepped into polyester industry where his remarkable eye made him the largest polyester trader in Aden. He turned 15,000 INR to 8 billion (Today's worth of Reliance Industries) in approximately 50 years!

What we learn from him? - If you have the willpower to succeed, you've got it all!

5) Steve Jobs: Co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.

Steve was born in 1955 to two university graduate students who gave him up for adoption. With an unstable childhood and frustrated schooling, dropping college, taking a job in video game designing then leaving it to attain spirituality in India; Jobs did have a tough life! With his high school friend Steve wozniak, he started Apple computers. Now, everybody knows him!

What we learn from him? - Its not always about being smart; its about bringing innovation to smartness!

If you liked this article, you can follow us via GFC, twitter, facebook and make a fresh start by forming a resume at Our Website!

Have an inspirational week ahead :)

~Boomerang Plus

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Its OK to Laugh sometime

Hello Everyone

Today we would just Chill out. No thinking, No work.. Just Relax!!!! You gotta Take out time to just be with yourself, family and friends and be HappY :)
So, today's post is dedicated to Laughter.. Not smile.. Even if you don't feel like laughing to the core, just smile wide in front of the mirror. It works! ;)

Laugh it off, will you?

Like it? :D

Don't forget to enroll yourselves on our Website and follow us via GFC, Facebook and Twitter for corporate tips, information and a little humor! :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

|| The making of a RESUME ||

A day in the life of a college student: What to include in a resume? What to skip? Is it too much? Gosh, its lengthy!
Experienced it? Right!!!!! So today's post is a short one, to the point and crisp! :)

Resume: A Resume is a document used to display one's academic background and skills for employment purposes. Everybody has one, irrespective of their field.

It takes 25 seconds for a professional to know you just by reading your resume. Make those 25 seconds count!

How to make Resume you ask? We'll tell you..

1) Write down all your experiences and achievements, from senior school to present, in a piece of paper separately. 
2) According to your 'field of interest', pick those in order of most significant to least significant.
3) You can either start from senior school to present or vice versa: completely your call!
4) Add everything and see if it fits in a page or two at the MAX. If not, remove the least significant points.
5) Broad categories under which you could classify your resume are: career objective, areas of interest, technical skills, academic projects, key achievements, strengths, extra-curricular activities!
6) Include your name, parents information, address, date of birth, gender, nationality, hobbies and languages at the end of your resume.
7) Leave a space for date and  your signature!

Do's & Don'ts for an impressive Resume!

1) Keep it short- One page seems to be short but is more than enough for an employer to know if you are fit for the company. They don't have time! Also, it doesn't look organized if you have thrown information in a desperate attempt to save space. Make it short, use one words for sentences and do not extend more than two pages.

2) Customize your goals & achievements- Highlight (Bold) your career objectives upfront. Customize your resume according to the employer's needs and state your objective clearly.

3) Back Details with Dates- Back your experiences, education, etc with month and year for a factual orientation.

4) Personalize it- Format it using tables and borders. You may or may not add a professional picture of yourself at the top corner. You also have an option to provide email ids and contact number at the very top.

5) No colors please!- Even if its a fashion related resume, please don't use colored paper (even in beige or tan) or any fonts to dramatize it. You have to show a professional front and no matter what your personality is, reserve the hues for your wardrobe (that too minimal).

6) Don't overdo it!- They want to hire you, not keep you for their personal job. So don't reveal personal information like below one, on resumes.

7) Check and Check- Even if you have checked numerous times, there still can be errors which you are overlooking. Give it to your friend and parents for a better analysis. Advice comes for free! ^_^

Save it! Get a Print! You're done! :)

We hope you liked what you read.. If you have any suggestions or want to add something then you're most welcome to leave a comment. We read each and every comment :)

Also, You can make an ONLINE RESUME at Boomerang Plus... CLICK HERE

BIG NEWS: A lot of people liked our previous article: Career Shifts: The heart of it.. Some of us told that they also took the leap and changed their career.. Did you follow your intuition and changed your career? Then we want YOU! We want your inspirational story (short). How it all happened, we want to know. We would publish it on our WEBSITE. So if you have an inspirational story about your or about someone else then please forward it to

Until next time!

~Boomearng Plus