Friday, 26 October 2012

Never Give Up!!!

Hello to our awesome readers :)

* This is in continuation to our earlier post Why so Afraid of Failure?"

Have you ever tried opening a cap of jar that refuses to open? You try and try and it doesn't move a bit! Then you give it to someone else and BAM it opens! You might have murmured to yourself, I could have opened it.. Just a little more patience would have sufficed, right?

That's one task for today ~ Never Give up

No matter how hard the situation is, if your boss is killing you from inside, people shaking your confidence or if your beliefs are questioned! Find ways to mend it but Never ever ever ever Give up!


Believe in YOURSELF! :)

So what have you decided? Try again or Give up?

Don't forget to create your profiles on India's one of a kind Recruitment portal - 
It would bring us immense pleasure! :)

~Boomerang Plus

Monday, 15 October 2012

Why so afraid of Failure?

We are taught as kids that Failures are the stepping stones to Success.

Everyone at some point or another has fallen apart, broken down, demotivated and pulled down to the earth for not being able to succeed. Nothing seems to be working at that time, we question our beliefs and hamper our relationships in life! What does one do after hitting rock bottom? Read on...

Treat Failure as a person for now. If someone hits you, do you stand their like a stone or do you hit him back? Of course, not all of us would hit back; but do you get hurt and all angry? If yes, then would you sit their crying or do something about him? Teach him a lesson that he could never touch him again!!! Are you with me? ....... Acknowledge failure as ONE thing, neither less nor more. You would want to fight it back, curse it, prove yourself and get going!

What does Failure Give you Vs. What would you rather have?

  • Stress vs Happiness
  • Disbelief vs Faith
  • Pending work vs Finished work
  • Blocked mind vs Ample of opportunities

What all it would take for you to get back and start walking again?

  • A methodological mind~ What went wrong and how to Fix it!
  • Baby steps to take it one step at a time, and
  • Lots of Courage to stand up and if need be, start over again!

The only thing that separates Losers from Winners is FAILURE.. Which team do you want to be in?

So are you read to take down Failure? Punch him in his face and Start with greater zest that even you are surprised!!! Take a deeeeep breath and start over.. Who knows you might even outdo yourself :)

Its better to have tried and failed than by merely accepting failure

Good Luck with all your future endeavours

Have you checked out our website yet? GO HERE. is a an online Recruitment portal based in India. Its one of a kind. Just take a look :)

It would give us immense pleasure if you could get yourself enrolled into it and also follow us vi GFC, Facebook and twitter.. We would definitely follow you back :)

P.S. Going on a short vacation. Would be back on 26th.. Till then keep pouring all the wonderful comments.. We promise, we would visit each of your blogs next time..

See you on the Flipside!

~Boomerang Plus

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Dreams: What you want them to be

Hello Folks! :)

Have you ever dreamed of Living a big, luxurious life; with a beautiful pool, your own terrace garden, exquisite floors, world class decor and a small white room overlooking a beautiful garden where you could read to yourself? By now you would have known, I'm talking about The Dreams and not night dreams (if this is/was what you dream of, lucky you!)

Well if You Dare to Dream, Nothing is impossible!
Lets take a look at the above quote word-by-word:

YOU- Symbolizes yourself and No-one else!
DARE- Takes courage, confidence and never giving up attitude.
DREAM-  As former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said,

IMPOSSIBLE- I hope this word doesn't exist in your dictionary!

Remember: You create your own dreams.. Let no one tell you that you can't do it!

So, Are you Living your Dream? Think about it!

Don't forget to enroll yourself into India's first, one of a kind, recruitment portal, We have an online resume which is directly displayed to the employer, you can take Self-Analysis & skill tests and the results of which also help a company to hire you.. Hurry up! :)

~Boomerang Plus